Reposted from a blog written for Peoples Rx on 11/1/19.

Just like the rest of the wellness products you can find at Peoples Rx, know that when you buy CBD from us, it’s a brand you can trust. We have established quality and purity standards, and are sure to test and research new brands before putting them on our shelves.
We get questions daily about CBD products, and we want you to know that our wellness specialists and pharmacists are ready to help find the right CBD product for you and your needs! Below, we explain more about the ABCs of CBD. Check out part one of our CBD series here!
Is CBD from marijuana or hemp?
CBD is naturally found in marijuana and hemp plants, both of which are variants of the cannabis Sativa plant. In states that have legalized marijuana, CBD may be sourced from either plant, which is why it may be illegal to bring home those CBD gummies from Colorado, or California, or, well…you get the point.
In Texas, all CBD products must be sourced from legally-grown industrial hemp, and must have 0.3% or less THC in order to be considered legal.
What’s the difference between marijuana and hemp?
Up until the early 1900s, many farmers grew industrial hemp, which was used to make rope, clothing, paper, and a number of other consumer products in addition to being used as feed for farm animals.
Marijuana is a cultivar of hemp that has been bred over time for its psychoactive THC content, making it much higher in THC (20% +). It has a different cannabinoid profile than hemp and is generally much lower in CBD.
What’s the difference between hemp seed oil, hemp oil, and CBD oil?
Hemp seed oil, often found at natural food stores, has been on the market as a supplement for many years. Sourced from cold-pressed hemp seeds, it contains only trace amounts of phytocannabinoids but is rich in Essential Fatty Acids (EFAs) and Gamma Linoleic Acid (GLA).
Hemp oil is obtained from industrial hemp plants and (if well-sourced) should contain all of the compounds of the hemp plant. This includes all phytocannabinoids including CBD, the plant terpenes (or the essential oils of the plant), and phyto-lipids (EFAs and GLA).
CBD oil and hemp oil are, in most cases, interchangeable terms. Because CBD was in a legal grey area until the 2018 Farm Bill was passed, most companies banked on the safety of not labeling their products as containing CBD. However, this is one of the instances in which it is important to know the sourcing of your product. Some products marketed as CBD oil may be a CBD isolate (either synthetically made, or isolated from the other phytocannabinoids, plant terpenes, and phyto-lipids). It is important to look for a product labeled full spectrum, total plant, whole plant, or some variation thereof, in order to guarantee that the product contains all of the beneficial compounds of the hemp plant, which work synergistically in the body.
How does CBD work?
CBD works on the body’s endocannabinoid system (ECS), a biological system discovered in 1992. The ECS consists of endocannabinoids, a form of neurotransmitter which we naturally create in our body, working on cannabinoid receptors that are located in tissues throughout the body. These receptors are located primarily in the central nervous system, the peripheral nervous system, and the immune system.
When our body is under stress, we create more of these endocannabinoids in an attempt to bring the body back into homeostasis. However, this system can tap out under extreme or prolonged stress, as well as in certain disease states, meaning that production of these endocannabinoids slows down or halts.
CBD and other phytocannabinoids work on the same cannabinoid receptors as the endocannabinoids we create, stimulating the ECS, and helping bring the body back into homeostasis, thereby improving mood, sleep, and physical symptoms.
Some products list different parts of the plant being used. Does this make any difference?
CBD products can be derived from different parts of the plant, each with their own profile of benefits:
Combination stalk, stem, and seed extracts have lower concentrations of phytocannabinoids, and higher profiles of EFAs, GLA, and other fatty acids.
Aerial parts have higher concentrations of phytocannabinoids and plant terpenes, and lower profiles of EFAs.
Whole plant complexes are a combination of aerial parts, seeds, stalk, and stem, leading to a combination with the all-around best benefits.
How do people take CBD products?
CBD comes in a variety of delivery methods. At Peoples Rx, you can buy it in the form of oils, capsules, soft gels, paste, honey, chocolates, gummies, lozenges, salves, suppositories, balms, lubricants, and other edibles and topicals. Often the best starting place is with oils and topicals, as the concentration can be easily modulated.
Topicals can be applied directly to an area of pain or inflammation. Because they have a more localized effect and do not get processed by the liver, there is little to no risk of interactions with oral medications, but always consult your doctor or pharmacist before experimenting. Additionally, the topicals work quickly and effectively for most people without having to experiment with varying strengths.
When taking CBD orally, most people start with low concentrations and slowly begin to titrate up. The key is to find an amount that works for you as currently more research is needed. When you have found a potency that seems to be doing something for you, most people stay at that amount and try taking it several times throughout the day. If that amount becomes less effective, sometimes people will begin slowly increasing the amount until they once again feel benefits. Also, when taking CBD in an oil form some absorption takes place directly in your mouth, so hold it under your tongue before you swallow.
Remember that taking CBD is experimental, and cannot really be standardized. Different people need different amounts, and different conditions need different delivery methods. Finding the perfect strategy for you may take some time.
And again, know that you can stop by your favorite Peoples Rx store and not only trust all of our CBD options, but also have staff help pick the right product for you.
Lindsey Wilder Flatt is a Wellness Specialist at Peoples Rx, passionate about alternative and herbal medicine. She is in her final year of a Master’s program in Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine at AOMA in Austin, and will be pursuing her Doctorate in Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine beginning in 2020. Originally from Santa Fe, New Mexico, she grew up in an environment steeped in natural and alternative medicine. Since entering her Master’s program, which has a strong emphasis on biomedical practices, her appreciation for alternative healing practices has been informed by an improved understanding and respect for the respective roles of Modern Medicine and Traditional Medicine in improved patient well-being.
Original post can be found here.